Guide Jesse Romrell loves “slicing” through Lake Powell!
When you’re a guide who spends 200+ days a year on the water, in a National Park that sees a TON of traffic, you had better keep your clients comfortable and your livewells full. Just ask Jesse Romrell, owner of Lake Powell Guide Service, who has switched from a deep-V to an Angler Qwest Pro Fish N Cruise.
“The thing about this lake is all the boating traffic,” he said. “On busy days you can have wakes coming from all directions and without my tritoon my customers, and me, would get all banged up. No thanks.”
Romrell, 49, guides for every species on the lake including striper, walleye, smallmouth, catfish, and bass. He even takes people on camping trips and lake exploration/photo opportunities excursions.
“I switched over to my Angler Qwest four years ago and would never go back,” he said. “Guiding became easier. The sheer mobility my clients have is amazing. If one person gets a fish on, all the buddies along on the trip, can hop up and go enjoy watching the person catching the fish. Everyone can move around and not have to worry about tripping over one another or gear.”
Romrell said his three favorite months for all species of fish are April, May, and October.
“They fish are biting the best AND you’re just more comfortable,” he said. “Sure, in June, July and August we can catch fish, but mostly that means fishing a few hours in the morning or evening and during mid-day you’re out swimming or exploring. It sort of comes down to how a person can handle the heat.”
Romrell said he believes his tritoon works so well because they act like “arrows” in the water.
“Picture a big steel drum full of water,” he said. “I shoot an arrow and that is going to slice right through the water smoothly and out the other side. Take a big muzzleloader and it will crash through but likely not even puncture the other end of the barrel, while disrupting all kinds of water. That’s how I feel about my tritoons, they just slice through and offer a great ride.”
If you would like to book a trip with Romrell, go to